99. Scalable fabrication of lightweight carbon nanotube aerogel composites for full X-band electromagnetic wave absorption, Luon Tan Nguyen, Chong Jin Goh, Tianliang Bai, Ren Hong Ong, Xue Yang Goh, Hai M. Duong, Carbon 2024, 118811

100. Sub-ambient radiative cooling with thermally insulating polyethylene terephthalate aerogels recycled from plastic waste, Xue Yang Goh, Jaesuk Hwang, Luon Tan Nguyen, Ren Hong Ong, Tianliang Bai, Hai M. Duong, Solar Energy 2024, 274, 112544

96. Advanced Fabrication and Multi-Properties of Aluminum-Based Aerogels from Aluminum Waste for Thermal Insulation and Oil Absorption Applications, XY Goh, RH Ong, PTT Nguyen, T Bai, D Aw, T Li, LT Nguyen, HM Duong, Molecules 2023, 28 (6), 2727

97.  Fabrication and properties of polyethylene terephthalate (PET) aerogel composites from plastic bottle waste,  Xue Yang Goh, Kaiting Guo, Luon Tan Nguyen, Ren Hong Ong, Hai M. DuongMaterials Today Communications 2023, 37, 107625

98.  Scale-up fabrication and advanced properties of recycled polyethylene terephthalate aerogels from plastic waste, Xue Yang Goh, Xinying Deng, Wern Sze Teo, Ren Hong Ong, Luon Tan Nguyen, Tianliang Bai, Hai M. Duong, Polymer Engineering and Science 2023, 1-15

95. Green fabrication of bio-based aerogels from coconut fibers for wastewater treatment, YT Dang, NHN Do, PTX Nguyen, KH Ho, KA Le, HM Duong, PK Le, Journal of Porous Materials 2022, 29 (4), 1265-1278

94.Addressing the quantitative conversion bottleneck in single-atom catalysis, Z Chen, J Song, R Zhang, R Li, Q Hu, P Wei, S Xi, X Zhou, PTT Nguyen, et al. Nature Communications 2022, 13 (1), 2807

93. Composite aerogels of TEMPO-oxidized pineapple leaf pulp and chitosan for dyes removal, NHN Do, BY Truong, PTX Nguyen, KA Le, HM Duong, PK Le, Separation and Purification Technology 2022, 283, 120200

92. Recent progresses in eco-friendly fabrication and applications of sustainable aerogels from various waste materials, PTT Nguyen, NHN Do, XY Goh, CJ Goh, RH Ong, PK Le, N Phan-Thien, et al. Waste and Biomass Valorization, 2022, 1-23

91. Nga H.N. Do, Tan M. Le, Huy Q. Tran, Nghiep Q. Pham, Kien A. Le, Phuc T.T. Nguyen, Hai M. Duong, Tuan A. Le, Phung K. Le, Green Recycling Of Fly Ash into Heat and Sound Insulation Composite Aerogels Reinforced by Recycled Polyethylene Terephthalate Fibers, Journal of Cleaner Production, 322 (2021), 129138. PDF

90. Quoc Ba Thai, Khoa Le-Cao, Phuc T. T. Nguyen, Phung K. Le, Nhan Phan-Thien, Hai M. Duong, Fabrication and Optimization of Multifunctional Nanoporous Aerogels using Recycled Textile Fibers from Car Tire Wastes for Oil-Spill Cleaning, Heat-Insulating and Sound Absorbing Applications, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2021 August, 127363. PDF

89. J. W. Loh, Xue Yang Goh, Phuc T. T. Nguyen, Quoc B. Thai, Z. Y. Ong, Hai M. Duong, Advanced Aerogels from Wool Waste Fibers for Oil Spill Cleaning Applications, Journal of Polymers and the Environment, 2021 July. PDF

88. Thenappa S. Sp, Phuc T. T. Nguyen, Nga H. N. Do, Duyen K. Le, Quoc B. Thai, Phung K. Le, Nhan Phan-Thien, Hai M. Duong, Advanced fabrication and multi‑properties of aluminium hydroxide aerogels from aluminium wastes, Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, 23:885–894(2021). PDF

87. Hai M. Duong, Nathaniel R.B. Ling, Quoc B. Thai, Duyen K. Le, Phuc T.T. Nguyen, Xue Yang Goh, Nhan Phan-Thien, A novel aerogel from thermal power plant waste for thermal and acoustic insulation applications, Journal of Waste Management, 2021 April, 124:1-7. PDF

86. Nga H. N. Do, Thien H. Nguyen, Bong T. Pham, Phuc T. T. Nguyen, Son T. Nguyen, Hai M. Duong, Phung K. Le, Green fabrication of flexible aerogels from polypropylene fibers for heat insulation and oil/water separation, Journal of Porous Materials, 2021 January, 28:617–627(2021). PDF

85. Nga H.N. Do, Viet T. Tran, Quang B.M. Tran, Kien A. Le, Quoc B. Thai, Phuc T.T. Nguyen, Hai M. Duong, Phung K. Le, Recycling of Pineapple Leaf and Cotton Waste Fibers into Heat-insulating and Flexible Cellulose Aerogel Composites, Journal of Polymers and the Environment, 2020. PDF

84. S.Lepak-Kuc, P.Taborowska, T.Q.Tran, H.M.Duong, T.Giżewski, M.Jakubowska, J.Patmore, A.Lekawa-Raus, Washable, Colored and Textured, Carbon Nanotube Textile Yarns, Carbon, 2021 February, 172:334-344. PDF

83. Zi En Lim, Quoc Ba Thai, Duyen K. Le, Thao P. Luu, Phuc T. T. Nguyen, Nga H.N. Do, Phung K.Le, Nhan Phan-Thien, Xue Yang Goh, Hai M. Duong, Functionalized pineapple aerogels for ethylene gas adsorption and nickel (II) ion removal applications, Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2020 Aug, 8 (6):104524. PDF

82. Quoc Ba Thai, Ren Ooi Chong, Phuc T.T. Nguyen, Duyen K. Le, Phung K.Le, Nhan Phan-Thien, Hai M. Duong, Recycling of waste tire fibers into advanced aerogels for thermal insulation and sound absorption applications, Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2020 Aug, 8 (5):104279. PDF

81. Bryan J.Y.Yam, Duyen K.Le, Nga H.Do, Phuc T.T.Nguyen, Quoc B.Thai, NhanPhan-Thien, Hai M.Duong, Recycling of magnesium waste into magnesium hydroxide aerogels, Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2020 Oct, 8 (5):104101. PDF

80. Quoc Ba Thai, Duyen K. Le, Nga H.N. Do, Phung K.Le, Nhan Phan-Thien, Wee Chien Yi, Hai M. Duong, Advanced aerogels from waste tire fibers for oil spill-cleaning applications, Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2020 Aug, 8 (4):104016. PDF

78. Xiwen Zhang, Li Ping Kwek, Duyen K. Le, Men Shu Tan, Hai M.Duong, Fabrication and Properties of Hybrid Coffee-Cellulose Aerogels from Spent Coffee Grounds, Polymers, 2019 Dec, 11(12):1942. PDF

77. Nga H.N. Do, Thao P. Luu, Quoc B. Thai, Duyen K. Le, Ngoc Do Quyen Chau, Son T. Nguyen, Phung K. Le, Nhan Phan-Thien, Hai M. Duong, Heat and Sound Insulation Applications of Pineapple Aerogels from Pineapple Waste, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2019 Oct 7, 122267. PDF

76. Nga H.N. Do, Thao P. Luu, Quoc B. Thai, Duyen K. Le, Ngoc Do Quyen Chau, Son T. Nguyen, Phung K. Le, Nhan Phan-Thien, Hai M. Duong, Advanced fabrication and application of pineapple aerogels from agricultural waste, Materials Technology (2019), 1-8. PDF

75. Quoc Ba Thai, Son Truong Nguyen, Duong Khanh Ho, Tuan Du Tran, Dat Minh Huynh, Nga H.N. Do, Thao Phuong Luu, Phung K. Le, Duyen K.Le, Nhan Phan-Thien, Hai M. Duong, Cellulose-based aerogels from sugarcane bagasse for oil spill-cleaning and heat insulation applications, Carbohydrate Polymers, 28 September 2019, 228. PDF

74. Duyen Khac Le, Ryan I.H. Leung, Alan S.R. Er, Xiwen Zhang, Xiang J. Tay, Quoc Ba Thai, Nhan Phan-Thien, Hai M. Duong, Applications of functionalized polyethylene terephthalate aerogels from plastic bottle waste, Waste Management, December 2019, 100, 296-305. PDF

73. Lim Wen Zhen, Quoc B. Thai, Thanh X. Nguyen, Duyen K. Le, Jason Kai Wei Lee, Yee Qing Xiang, Hai M. Duong, Recycled Cellulose Aerogels from Paper Waste for a Heat Insulation Design of Canteen Bottles, Fluids, 18 September 2019, 4(3), 174. PDF

72. Duyen Khac Le, Gek Nian Ng, Hong Wei Koh, Xiwen Zhang, Quoc Ba Thai, Nhan Phan-Thien, Hai Minh Duong, Methyltrimethoxysilane-coated recycled polyethylene terephthalate aerogels for oil spill cleaning applications, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 27 August 2019, 239. PDF

71. Quoc Ba Thai, Toh Ee Siang, Duyen Khac Le, Wassim Akram Shah, Nhan Phan-Thien, Hai M.Duong, Advanced fabrication and multi-properties of rubber aerogels from car tire waste, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2019, 557, 702-708. PDF

70. Quoc Ba Thai, Duyen K Le, Thao Phuong Luu, Nga Hoang Do Nguyen, Hai Minh Duong, Aerogels from Wastes and their Applications, Juniper Online Journal Material Science, 2019, 5 (3). PDF

69. Hamed Khoshnevis, Thang Q. Tran, Sandar Myo Mint, Ali Zadhoush, Hai M. Duong, Mostafa Youssefi, Effect of alignment and packing density on the relaxation process of carbon nanotube fibers spun from floating catalyst chemical vapor deposition method, Colloids and Surfaces A, 2018 in press. PDF

68. Steven Salomo, T. X. Nguyen, Duyen K Le, Xiwen Zhang, Nhan Phan-Thien, Hai M. Duong, Advanced Fabrication and Properties of Hybrid Polyethylene Tetraphalate Fiber – Silica Aerogels from Plastic Bottle Waste, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2018, 556, 37-42. PDF

67. H.W. Koh, D.K. Le, G.N. Ng, Xiwen Zhang, Nhan Phan-Thien, Hai M. Duong, Advanced Recycled Polyethylene Terephthalate Aerogels for Acoustic and Thermal Insulation Applications, Gels, 2018, 4(2), 43 (Invited). PDF
66. Hamed Khoshnevis, Sandar Myo Mint, Emily Yedinak, A. Mikhalchan, Son T Nguyen, A. Zadhoush, M. Youssefi, Hai M. Duong, Carbon Nanotube Aerogels from Floating Catalyst Method for Oil Spill Cleaning, Chem. Phys. Lett., 2018, 693, 146-151. PDF

65. Xie Ziyang Colin, Koh Hong Wei , Ng Gek Nian, Tan Kenneth, Lim Hong Jie, Li An Hua, Chung Ka-Shing , Lim Wen Zhen, Hai M. Duong, Thermal Jacket Design Using Cellulose Aerogels for Heat Insulation Application of Water Bottles, Fluids, 2017, 2(4), 64-71 (Invited) PDF

64. Xiongxiong Liu; Yunlong Yang; Dawei Xia; Hai M Duong; Dimitrios V Papavassiliou; Ziqiang Xu; Jiaxuan Liao; Mengqiang Wu, Feng Gong, A facile approach to tune the electrical and thermal properties of graphene aerogels by including bulk MoS2, Nanomaterials, 2017, 7(420). PDF

63. O. Pitkänen, T. Järvinen, H. Cheng, G. S. Lorite, G. A. Dombovari, L. Rieppo, S. Talapatra, H.M. Duong, G. Tóth, K.L. Juhász, A. Kukovecz, P.M. Ajayan, R. Vajtai, and K. Kordás, On-chip integrated vertically aligned carbon nanotube based super-pseudocapacitors, Scientific Reports, 2017, 7, 16594. PDF

62. Hai M. Duong, Zhe Kuan Lim, Thanh X. Nguyen, Bowen Gu, Mark Pyne Penefather, Nhan Phan-Thien,  Compressed Hybrid Cotton Aerogels for Stopping Liquid Leakage, Colloids and Surfaces A, 2018, 538, 502-507  PDF

61. Tran Q. Thang, Robert Headrick, Sandar Myo Myint, Matteo Pasqualli, Hai M. Duong, Purification and Dissolution of Carbon Nanotube Fibers Spun from Floating Catalyst Method, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2017, 9(42), 37112-37119. PDF

60. H. Cheng, Lilian Medina, Hai M. Duong, Free-standing PEDOT-PSS/CNT Aerogels and Their Electrochemical Performance, Materials Technology: Advanced Performance Materials, 2017, 1-8, (invited paper). PDF

59. Hanlin Cheng, Thanh Xuan Nguyen, Bowen Gu, Mark Pennefather, Nhan Phan-Thien, Hai M. Duong, Cotton Aerogels and Cotton-Cellulose Aerogels from Environmental Waste for Oil Spillage Cleanup, Materials and Design, 2017, 130 , 452-458. PDF 

58. Gong Feng, Hai M. Duong, Dimitrios V. Papavassiliou, Effective Thermal Transport Properties in Multiphase Biological Systems containing Carbon Nanomaterials, RSC Advances, 2017, 7, 13615-13622. PDF

57. S. Song, S. Yang, Kaiyang Zeng, Hai Minh Duong, Serguei V. Savilov, Serguei M. Aldoshin, Li Lua, Poly(ethylene oxide)-immobilized ionogels with high ionic liquid loadings and superior ionic conductivity, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2016, 163 (14), A2887. PDF

56. Peng Liu, Hu Chiu Miin Dennis, Thang Q. Tran, Daniel Jewell, Hai M. Duong, Electrical property enhancement of CNT fibers from post treatments, Colloids and Surfaces A, 2016, 509, 384-389. PDF

55. Shufeng Song, Hai M. Duong, Alexander M. Korsunsky, Ning Hu, Li Lu, A Na+ Superionic Conductor for Room-Temperature Sodium Batteries, Scientific Reports, 2016, in press. PDF

54. Feng Gong, Hai M. Duong, Dimitrios V. Papavassiliou, Review of Recent Developments on Using an Off-Lattice Monte Carlo Approach to Predict the Effective Thermal Conductivity of Composite Systems with Complex Structures, Nanomaterials, 2016, 6, 142-153. PDF

53. Peng Liu, Yu Feng Tan, Daniel Jewell, Hai M. Duong, Multi-property enhancement of aligned CNT thin films from floating catalyst method, Materials and Design, 2016, 108, 754-760. PDF

52. J. Feng, Duyen K. Le, Son T. Nguyen, Tan Chin Nien Victor, Daniel Jewell, Hai M. Duong, Silica–cellulose hybrid aerogels for thermal and acoustic insulation applications, Colloids and Surfaces A, 2016, 506, 298-305. PDF.

51. P. Liu, Zeng Fan, Thang Q. Tran, Anastasiia Mikhalchan, Amy Marconnet, Daniel Jewell, Hai M. Duong, Continuous Carbon Nanotube-Based Fibers and Films for Applications Requiring Enhanced Heat Dissipation, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2016, 8(27), 17461–17471. PDF

50. Hanlin Cheng, Hai M. Duong, Daniel Jewell, Three dimensional manganese oxide on carbon nanotube hydrogels for asymmetric supercapacitors, RSC Advances, 2016, 6, 36954-36960. PDF

49. A. Mikhalchan, Zeng Fan, Thang Q. Tran, Peng Liu, Vincent B. C. Tan, Tong-Earn Tay, Hai M. Duong, Advantages of highly porous electrically conductive carbon nanotube aerogels from the Floating Catalyst Method, Carbon, 2016, 102, 409-418. PDF

48. Thang Q Tran, Zeng Fan, Anastasiia Mikhalchan, Peng Liu, Hai M. Duong, Post Treatments for Multifunctional Property Enhancement of Carbon Nanotube Fibers from the Floating Catalyst Method, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2016, 8(12), 7948-7956. PDF

47. Shufeng Song, Hai Minh Duong, Li Lu, Anomalous High Ionic Conductivity by Unusual Ca2+ Site Occupancy in Garnet Structure, Materials and Design 93 (2016) 232-237. PDF

46. Thang T Tran, Fan Zeng, Peng Liu, Sandar Myo Myint, Hai M. Duong, Superstrong and Highly Conductive Carbon Nanotube Ribbons from Post Treatment Methods, Carbon 99 (2016) 407-415. PDF

45. Prabakaran Saravanan, Sujeet K Sinha, Sundaramurthy Jayaraman, Hai M. Duong, A Comprehensive Study on the Self-lubrication Mechanisms of SU-8 Composites, Tribology International, 2016, 95, 391-405. PDF

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